Wolfblood Secrets

Can’t wait until next year for new episodes of Wolfblood? Well, it’s your lucky day!

Starting on the 21st September CBBC will be broadcasting Wolfblood Secrets, a series of ten mini-episodes bridging the gap between series four and five. Written by Neil Jones, and set just after the secret is revealed to the world, the episodes will introduce a team of government investigators tasked with investigating this new threat, ‘wolfbloods’. One by one, they interview Jana and her friends, trying to find out whether these creatures hiding among us are dangerous…

Five episodes will be broadcast in September, and the final five near the end of February, leading into the next series.

They’re really fun episodes, and I hope you enjoy them!

(NB – if you’re outside the UK and you want to know when/if you can see Wolfblood Secrets, you’ll need to contact CBBC, or your local television channel, and ask them. As always, I don’t know the details of availability in all the different countries Wolfblood is shown in.)

Since a lot of people are asking –  no, Wolfblood Secrets is not happening instead of series five, or replacing the regular series in any way. It’s a one-off extra, just like the secret episode or Jana Bites. Series five will be shown in the spring of 2017, date to be confirmed…

4 comments on “Wolfblood Secrets

  1. Maya says:

    I can’t believe season 4 already happened! I hope we get it soon in the US I’ve been waiting over a year for it with no word until I finally remembered to check your blog. So excited for season 5 too! Congratulations on all your success and I hope to see the new seasons soon! I love that you communicate with your fans and take the time to answer questions (even the repetitive ones!) not many people do. Thank you for doing it and putting up with my questions over the past year or so. Thank you for the updates and your amazing work! The show is amazing 🙂

    • summer says:

      i whached all the epsods it is so sad i miss matty and rittyin it is sad that thay left thay need to make more sesins

  2. summer says:

    make a sesen 6 whith matty and rittyin wolf blood is so cool

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