Wolfblood Season Four BAFTA Event


Excellent day at BAFTA London today, showing the first two episodes of Wolfblood season four to a very excited audience! You can see a lot of the event, including the Q&A, on the BAFTA training site, baftaguru.org, which is full of great information about working in the creative industries.

On Tuesday 8th March, CBBC will be showing the red carpet interviews and the Q&A from the Newcastle event, interspersed with the first two episodes. From the following week, Wolfblood shows two episodes a week, on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Hope you enjoy!








Win The Chance To Appear In Wolfblood!

Thanks to the lovely folks at Blue Peter, UK Wolfblood fans can win the chance to appear as a wild Wolfblood in an episode of season four!

All the details on how to enter, who’s eligible, and what you need to do are here http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/bp-become-a-wild-wolfblood-competition

Good luck!